A Beginner's Guide to Running PHP Programs in XAMPP

A Beginner’s Guide to Running PHP Programs in XAMPP

In today’s article, we will explore into the fundamentals of writing your very first program in PHP. PHP, known for its simplicity and versatility, is an excellent language for beginners starting on their programming journey. One of its strengths lies in its extensive documentation, making it an accessible choice for those starting to explore the world of programming.

XAMPP, an acronym for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P), and Perl (P), is a powerful and widely-used web development tool. It provides a convenient environment for developers to create and test web applications locally before deploying them to a live server. In this article, we will focus on the PHP aspect of XAMPP and guide you through the process of running PHP programs in this development environment.

Setting Up Your Environment:

Before you start writing PHP code, you need a development environment. XAMPP, WampServer, or MAMP are popular choices that provide a pre-configured environment for PHP development. Download and install one of these tools to get started.

1. Download and Install XAMPP:

The first step is to download XAMPP from the official website (https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html) and install it on your computer. Follow the installation wizard, and make sure to select the components including Apache and PHP.

2. Start the XAMPP Control Panel:

After installation, launch the XAMPP Control Panel. On Windows, you can find it in the Start menu or desktop shortcut. On Linux, use the terminal to navigate to the XAMPP directory and run the command: sudo ./xampp start.

XAMPP Control Panel

3. Start Apache and MySQL

In the XAMPP Control Panel, start both the Apache and MySQL services. Apache is the web server that will handle PHP requests, and MySQL is the database server if your PHP program involves database interactions.

How to Start Xampp Server

Creating Your First PHP File:

Open your preferred text editor (Notepad, VSCode, Sublime Text, etc.) and create a new file with a .php extension. For example, you can name it first_program.php.

Writing a Simple PHP Program

In your PHP file, let’s start with a basic “Hello, World!” program. Type the following code:

first program

This simple program uses the echo statement to output the text “Hello, World!” to the browser.

Save PHP File in the “htdocs” Directory:

Save your PHP file in the “htdocs” directory within the XAMPP installation folder. This is the default root directory for the Apache web server. You can find it in the “xampp” folder (e.g., C:\xampp\htdocs\ on Windows or /opt/lampp/htdocs/ on Linux).

Running Your PHP Program:

Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost/first_program.php (replace “first_program.php” with your actual file name). You should see the output of your PHP program on the webpage.

Running Your PHP Program:

Deciphering the Code:

  • <?php and ?> denote the opening and closing tags of PHP, delineating the initiation and conclusion of PHP code.
  • The echo function is employed to output text or variables in PHP.

Delving into PHP Documentation:

The extensive PHP documentation serves as a valuable resource for learning and troubleshooting. Explore functions, syntax, and examples in the official PHP manual (https://www.php.net/manual/en/).

Next Developmental Steps:

With your first PHP program successfully executed, consider delving into more advanced concepts, including variables, control structures (such as if statements and loops), and functions. Online tutorials and courses can provide additional guidance as you progress in your PHP learning journey.

Troubleshooting Guidance:

  • Scrutinize your code for syntax errors.
  • Verify that your PHP file is stored in the correct directory.
  • In case of issues, consult error messages or refer to the PHP documentation for assistance.


Congratulations on embarking on your PHP programming journey by crafting your initial program. As you navigate through the language, leverage the wealth of PHP documentation and online resources to deepen your understanding and explore more advanced facets of web development. Happy coding!

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